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    Email Enterprise Solutions

    We help you to successfully deliver your emails to your customers' inbox instead of the spam box.

We work as an integrative team to make an impact:

Reliable Transactional Email Delivery

Our engineering team is your one stop for endpoint programming, integration, mail servers and backup mail servers, testing, deployment and monthly supervision.

We let our results speak for themselves. Do take a look at them. Do ask us questions. And do reach out. We don't want to just give results. We want to include our clients in the process so they may learn some new things, too.

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Decades of expertise matched with pioneers in the industry

Expert guidance so you can maximize the benefits of modern email solutions

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Email Kraken provides insightful metrics and analytics to keep track of your custom email solution.

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We are currently accepting new clients

We're located in Palo Alto, California
and work with clients globally.

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